Design Assist

Design Collaboration and Precision Engineering

At VCG Global, we transform the concept of collaborative design and fabrication. Our services are expertly crafted to relieve our clients from the intricacies of the creative process. We take pride in achieving results that surpass expectations.

At VCG Global, we don't just assist in design; we elevate it to a level of precision and beauty that transforms your architectural aspirations into tangible masterpieces.

Solidworks 3D CAD design software.

Advanced Visualization Tools:

  • 3D Modeling & CAD: We leverage advanced 3D modeling and CAD technologies as essential tools for communication and documentation throughout our project lifecycle.

  • Conflict Resolution: Our 3D models are instrumental in identifying and resolving potential conflicts at an early stage, preventing costly issues during construction.

  • Precision Fabrication: Coupled with CNC tooling and meticulous attention to detail, our modeling process enables us to construct with tolerances that are significantly tighter than the industry standard, setting us apart from other architectural fabricators.

Custom fixtures for critical tolerances.

Communication and Clarity

Our process is built on a foundation of clear communication, designed to 'fill in the gaps' for our clients. We strive to deliver solutions that not only fulfill the explicit requests of our clients but also anticipate and address their unspoken needs.

Production scalability.

Adaptive Techniques

Our approach to project contribution is far from one-dimensional. We boast a diverse array of strategies, each selected and tailored to the unique requirements of the project and the vision of the client.

Complete installation.


Bridging Concepts with Reality

Our forte is the flawless fusion of artistic concepts with technical accuracy. We offer all-encompassing solutions for even the most complex projects, addressing the nuanced demands at the crossroads of conventional and specialized construction.